
Advertise In Fort Myers: How To Book Guests For A Podcast

Apr 26, 2022 2:48:44 PM / by Jason Muth

According to Nielsen, 96.7% of Southwest Florida adults have access to the internet. An online connection is all that is needed to listen to a podcast. In all 19.0% of consumers, in fact, do listen to podcasts every month. They listen while at home, commuting, at the gym, at work, at the local coffee shop, pretty much anywhere there is WIFI or good cell service.

Most likely, at one time or another, each of the  187,183 podcast listeners in the Fort Myers area has thought to themselves, “I could do that. I could launch my own podcast.” This is theoretically true.

A quick Google search by aspiring Fort Myers content producers will reveal which recording equipment to buy, how to edit shows, and how to post episodes for the world to hear on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify Google, Stitcher, and Tune-In. The magic of being a successful podcaster, however, involves persistence, longevity, and consistently engaging content.

One element of podcasting that often adds dimension and perspective to new episodes is the use of podcast guests. Not only do guest experts supply engaging content, but usually they will participate in return for exposure without the need to shell out any cash.

But how does a Fort Myers business small owner get started? It’s a very chicken-and-egg situation.

A podcaster first needs to publish episodes to demonstrate to potential guests that the podcast is worthy of their participation, especially because there are so many choices. Currently, there are over 2.4 million valid podcasts in Apple’s Podcast directory alone, according to podcast industry insights expert Daniel J. Lewis.

So, what separates podcasters who stick it out for the long haul from those who give up after just a few episodes?  One of the primary factors is the subject matter and the ability to book guests.

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Advertise On Fort Myers Radio: AM/FM Still Top Choice In Cars

Mar 17, 2022 12:48:53 PM / by Larry Julius

There are about 761,000 registered passenger vehicles in the Fort Myers-Naples area. Some are cars. Some are trucks. Some are Hondas. Some are Fords. Some are Teslas. Some have four doors. Some have two. Some go fast. Some go slow. Some guzzle gas. Some sip. Some are red. Some are blue.

The one thing that almost every car and truck in Southwest Florida have in common, though, is the AM/FM radio smack-dab in the middle of the dashboard.

The first car radio went on sale in 1930. It was an invention of the Galvin Manufacturing Company. The company named the radio 'Motorola,' and its cost was $130, around $2000 in today's dollars. By 1935, more than three million car radios had been installed.

Today, AM/FM radio is part of every car and truck on SWFL roads. In addition to the radio, many of these vehicles also provide drivers with other audio options, including a CD player, Sirius/XM, Pandora, Spotify, podcasts, and easy access to personal MP3 collections.

It is fair, then, for small business owners who depend on Fort Myers radio to advertise their goods and services to ask: with all the audio options on today's dashboards, is anyone listening to local AM/FM radio in the car anymore?

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Topics pandora, best way to advertise, automotive, streaming audio, radio advertising, sirius/xm, in-car listening, spotify, in-car audio, podcasts, share of ear, streaming media, podcasting, car radio

How To Create A Podcast For An SWFL Small Business

Mar 11, 2022 3:58:10 PM / by Jason Muth

If you're anything like the 852,000 Southwest Florida consumers who, according to Nielsen, listen to or download a podcast every month, you probably already see the value in podcasting as a relatively new audio medium that entertains, enlightens, motivates, or informs listeners.

But if you're part of the 79% of local adults who are not regular podcast listeners, you're probably wondering why on earth would anyone want to listen to a podcast, let alone create one for their Fort Myers-Naples business.

Launching a podcast might seem like a daunting test for small business owners without much technical background or an understanding of how to structure a compelling conversation that will engage prospective customers.

In reality, local small business owners can easily reach new customers with podcasts and complement their traditional advertising in Fort Myers-Naples with a longer-form, conversational medium that showcases the company's knowledge in an authoritative manner.

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Topics best way to advertise, small business advertising, small business owner, swfl small business, southwest florida small business, online advertising, digital advertising, small business, small business marketing, podcasts, podcasting, internet advertising

Ft. Myers Radio Still Reaches More SWFL Consumers Than All Other Media

Dec 10, 2021 3:38:39 PM / by Larry Julius

When WFTM-AM became Southwest Florida's first radio station in 1942, there was no Facebook, no Xfinity, no Sirius/XM, no Netflix, and no podcasts. It would be 12 years before there was even a local TV station.  Consequently, it was pretty easy for radio to become the number one reach medium among local consumers.

Over the past 80 years, Fort Myers-Naples area business owners have come to depend on the mammoth reach of radio among local shoppers to successfully market the goods and services they sell. Advertising on Fort Myers radio has helped SWFL companies to survive and thrive during world wars, natural disasters, recessions, depressions, and even a pandemic.

Heading into 2022, local consumers have more media choices than ever before. But, despite the overabundance of social media, video streaming, audio streaming, cable, and other technological marvels, Fort Myers radio is still the most used advertising medium.

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Topics Reach, pandora, streaming audio, radio advertising, fort myers radio, advertise in SWFL, sirius/xm, spotify, advertising reach, podcasts, advertising on radio, streaming media, podcasting

Who Listens To Podcasts in Southwest Florida?

Oct 11, 2021 7:30:00 AM / by Larry Julius

According to Nielsen, 212,005 Southwest Florida consumers listened to or downloaded a podcast during the past 30 days. This is 21.9% of the adult population.

A podcast is a downloadable digital audio file available to listeners on an internet-connected device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. These files are typically part of series focusing on a particular theme such as true crime, professional football, politics, or pop culture.

Fort Myers area consumers can listen to their favorite podcasts whenever they choose using apps like Spotify, Pandora, Google, and Stitcher. The most used podcasting app, though, is Apple Podcasts.

Research from PodcastHosing.org indicates that Fort Myers area consumers can access more than 2,000,000 podcast series comprising over 48,000,000 unique episodes. According to data compiled by Edison research, the top 10 podcasts during the second quarter of 2021 were:

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Topics best way to advertise, streaming audio, fort myers radio, advertise in SWFL, online advertising, digital advertising, smart speakers, podcasts, streaming media, podcasting, internet advertising

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