
Advertising In Southwest Florida: Drivers Turn Up The Radio

Jan 20, 2021 3:40:43 PM / by Larry Julius

In 1921, radio came to Florida. Listeners in the Fort Myers-Naples area could tune-in signals from either WQAM in Miami or WDAE in Tampa.

From that year, many predicted radio's success would succumb to advances from new technologies. In 1927, the challenge came from talking movies. In the 1940s, the predators were 13-inch TV sets. In the 1970s, it was 8-track and cassette tapes. In the past 20 years, there was a multi-flank attack from iPods, Zunes, YouTube, Sirius, XM, Pandora, Spotify,

So far, all of these challengers have failed. Not even a pandemic has been able to remove radio as a vital force in the life of Southwest Florida consumers.

Every week, according to Nielsen, more adults tune-in to Fort Myers radio than watch TV or cable. Use social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Read newspapers. Or, stream music from Pandora or Spotify.

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Advertising On Fort Myers Radio Is Back In The Driver's Seat

Oct 28, 2020 10:18:46 AM / by Larry Julius

There are more than 760,000 car radios in Southwest Florida. On April 3, though, many of these devices became quarantined along with their owners. That was the day when the Governor of Florida shut down the state to slow the spread of COVID-19.

According to the Apple Mobility Index, the Governor's public-safety order caused traffic on Fort Myers roadways to plummet to 30% of pre-pandemic levels.

By the beginning of July, however,  the AMI indicates that traffic in Fort Myers area began to approach pre-Covid levels. The surge in mobility is due, in part, to work-from-home, furloughed, and laid-off employees returning to their workplaces.

According to Nielsen, during the week of April 30, only 39% of adults with jobs were working outside-the-home.  During the week of October 1, though, that number had expanded to 61%.

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Topics small business advertising, small business owner, swfl small business, southwest florida small business, effective advertising, consumer spending, small business, in-car audio, vehicle traffic, small business marketing, radio listening, share of ear, point of purchase

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