
Does Anyone Listen To Fort Myers Radio At Night?

Mar 10, 2021 10:07:56 AM / by Larry Julius

Each week, according to Nielsen, more than 894,000 adult consumers tune-in to a Fort Myers radio station. This is significantly more than watch local TV or cable. More than stream video channels like Netflix or Hulu. More than read local newspapers. More than use Facebook or Instagram. More than listen to online audio services like Pandora and Spotify.

Advertising In Fort Myers-Naples Adult Media Reach 2020 (r2)

But almost everyone knows (including many who advertise on Fort Myers radio) that consumers only listen to local radio stations during the day. Right? Wrong!

According to Nielsen, 41.6% of local consumers listen to Fort Myers radio stations each week between 7:00pm and 12:00am. This is a larger audience than Pandora, Spotify, and Instagram combined reach during an entire week.

For Southwest Florida small business owners, radio's immense nighttime audience offers a unique value proposition.

New call-to-actionThe most expensive time for a business owner to advertise on Fort Myers Radio is weekdays between 6:00am and 7:00pm. This is generally referred to as radio's prime-time.  It is also the time when the demand to buy commercials is highest.

Once 7:00pm rolls around, however, the demand to buy commercials drops. So does the cost.  Sometimes by up to 75%. But, according to Nielsen, 40% of consumers who listen to Fort Myers radio during the day also listen at night. In other words, a budget-conscious advertiser can buy more than a third of the prime-time audience at one-quarter the price.

Advertise On Fort Myers Radio At Night

When SWFL small business owners invest in nighttime advertising on Fort Myers radio, there is no denigration in the quality of the consumer reached. In some cases, the profile of the audience that listens  between 7:00pm and midnight will favor the more affluent demographics that advertisers covet.

This is true when comparing qualitative characteristics including, age, household income, and employment status.

Advertising on Fort Myers Radio At Night: Age

Advertising On Fort Myers Radio At Night: Income

Advertising On Fort Myers Radio At Night: Employment

Advertising on Fort Myers radio at night might not reach the largest audience, but for small business owners with constrained marketing budgets, nighttime commercials provide extraordinary value compared to prime-time. Costs are considerably lower, and quality is unaffected. 

More Advertising Advice For Fort Myers Small Business Owners

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Topics: prime time, time of day, small business advertising, small business owner, swfl small business, southwest florida small business, effective advertising, small business, advertise on radio, small business marketing, Advertise on Fort Myers Radio, nighttime

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