
Does Social Media Work For Southwest Florida Retailers?

Mar 13, 2020 5:35:24 PM / by Larry Julius

Southwest Florida retailers spend a considerable amount of time and money marketing their small businesses on social media.  Is this effort paying off?

Each month, according to Nielsen, 586,000 SWFL adults use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This equates to 62.7% of consumers.  This reach is rather anemic compared to Fort Myers radio and TV, which attracts considerably more users in a single week than these social media platforms do over 30 days.

Among local millennials, the monthly reach of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is eclipsed by the weekly reach of Fort Myers radio.

The number of consumers reached by an advertising campaign, according to Nielsen, is the media consideration that has the most significant effect on increasing sales. 

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Topics Reach, best way to advertise, retail, radio advertising, small business owner, twitter, social media advertising, facebook, instagram, small business, retail store, retailer, facebook advertising, engagement

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