According to Nielsen, 937,000 adults in the Southwest Florida area have access to the internet, equivalent to 97.1% of the population. On average, local consumers are spending 10.68 hours per week online.
SWFL millennials, the first generation that grew up in a digital world, spend considerably more time online. Nielsen reports that, on average, SWFL's 25-39-year-old consumers are clocking 13.35 hours connected to the internet.
So, how are SWFL consumers spending their time online?
According to Nielsen, streaming audio and video content, social networking, checking the weather, and banking are the top online activities for SWFL consumers each month.
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best way to advertise,
streaming audio,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
social media advertising,
social media,
streaming video,
online shopping
Southwest Florida business owners are expected to invest $265-million during 2021 to advertise to consumers connected to the internet. This forecast was produced by Borrell Associates, a company that tracks business advertising expenditures across the country.
These online marketing dollars will be spent on banner advertising, search engine marketing, email, as well as audio and video advertising. This is all to capture the attention of shoppers and buyers as they go about their connected days.
According to Nielsen, 96.3% of adult consumers in the Fort Myers-Naples area have access to the internet. They connect, primarily, with desktop and laptop computers; smartphones; or tablets.
Ninety-six percent of SWFL adults spend at least one hour per week online, with most spending at least 10 hours connected.
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small business owner,
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swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
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small business,
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social media,
small business marketing,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
online shopping
Over 96% of Fort Myers-Naples area adults have access to the internet, according to Nielsen. Almost 63% of these consumers spend more than five hours a week connected.
Nielsen reports that Southwest Florida consumers go online to stay connected to friends and family; research products and services; learn the latest news, and obtain directions to where they are going and know what the weather will be when they get there.
Here are some of the many reasons why Fort Myers internet users go online each month
- Social Media: 77%
- Weather: 52%
- Online Banking: 50%
- Maps/Directions: 48%
- Product Reviews: 39%
- Current Events: 37%
- Restaurant Reviews: 31%
- Sports Scores/News: 29%
- Real Estate: 14%
- Job Search: 14%
And, of course, there is shopping. Over the past six months, according to Nielsen, 73.9% of Fort Myers consumers shopped online for every imaginable product and service including, cars, golf clubs, office supplies, wedding rings, mattresses, tires, medicine, shoes, socks, and eyeglasses.
To reach local consumers while they are online, Fort Myers businesses will spend $260 million for digital advertising in 2020, according to Borrell Associates. Here is how the money is being spent:
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small business advertising,
radio advertising,
small business owner,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
online advertising,
social media advertising,
small business,
Borrell Associates,
social media,
small business marketing,
email advertising,
email marketing,
online shopping
As the pandemic rages on, advertising is no longer a luxury for the
30,689 small businesses in the Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL Metro Area
As cash becomes precious, though, Fort Myers area small business owners and retailers need to ensure that every dollar spent on advertising has a significant effect on sales.
To make the best advertising choices, thousands of local business owners have sought advice and direction from
www.AdvertiseInFortMyerscom. Here is a recap of the top 5 articles read on the site during 2020.
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small business advertising,
radio advertising,
small business owner,
fort myers television,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
newspaper advertising,
television advertising,
small business,
cable tv,
small business marketing,
newspaper readers,
Before we explain AVOD, it is important to understand SVOD.
Southwest Florida small business owners may not be familiar with SVOD, but chances are they let it into their homes and onto their phones.
SVOD is the abbreviation for Subscription Video On Demand. That is the collective name for streaming networks like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Amazon Prime. For a monthly fee, these services provide commercial-free access to TV shows, original content, and movies.
These SVOD networks are delivered to viewers' phones, tablets, computers, and smart-TVs via the internet and not over-the-air or cable systems.
SVOD makes up a significant part of what advertisers refer to as OTT (Over-The-Top-Television) and CTV (Connected-Television). OTT/CTV is video-programming content that viewers can only watch on smartphones, tablets, computers, smart-TVs, Amazon Firesticks, and Roku Sticks. Nielsen reports that 96.1% of Fort Myers-Naples area adults own at least one of these devices.
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small business advertising,
fort myers television,
television advertising,
cable tv,
streaming video,
Advertising on Fort Myers television and cable is becoming less attractive to local business owners as viewers rapidly defect to alternative video entertainment sources including, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon and Disney+.
Collectively these streaming services are referred to as Over-The-Top Television (OTT) and Connected-TV (CTV). Viewers can only access this OTT and CTV content via smartphone, tablets, computers, smart-TVs, Amazon Fire Sticks, and Roku Sticks, Nielsen reports that 96.1% of Southwest Florida adults own at least one these devices. Furthermore, they are using them.
According to Nielsen, OTT and CTV networks now reach 42.3% of all Southwest Florida consumers every week.
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best way to advertise,
small business advertising,
small business owner,
fort myers television,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
television advertising,
small business,
advertise on radio,
streaming video