There are 30,869 small businesses in the Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL Metro Area, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Almost every one of these businesses is competing for a portion of the $24.8 billion of local retail spending expected to occur in 2023.*
To capture the largest share of this giant pool of consumer cash, Fort Myers small business owners will need to consider advertising.
"Think you have a great product?" asks the U.S. Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one's going to know about it unless you advertise. Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your sales., and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your company."
One of the best ways to advertise in Fort Myers may be on local radio, a fact not lost on the world's largest advertiser, Proctor & Gamble. Last year, P&G upped spending on the radio by 43% to $235 million, according to Vivvix (formerly Kantar Media), led by a big jump in local radio.
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Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
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who listens to radio,
am/fm radio
Mother's Day is On May 14th this year. According to per capita data from The National Retail Federation, 839,160 adult consumers in the Fort Myers area plan to celebrate the occasion.
Between now and that special Sunday in May, the NRF expects a record $172.8 million to be spent in Fort Myers to honor all the different moms in consumers' lives. Of those celebrating Mother’s Day, most (57%) are purchasing gifts for a mother or stepmother, followed by a wife (23%) or daughter (12%).
Comparatively speaking, Southwest Florida consumers will spend 12.6% more to celebrate Monther's Day this year than they did in 2022, which was also a record year.
“Mother’s Day provides Americans with an opportunity to honor important women in their lives,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “As people make plans to celebrate this year, retailers are prepared to help shoppers find gifts of appreciation and admiration for those they want to recognize on this special day.”
Almost half of all Mother's Day spending in the Fort Myers area will fall into three categories:
- Jewelry: $37,749,929
- Special Outing: $27,102,513
- Electronics: $19,358,938
The other half of Mother's Day spending includes purchases of gift cards, clothing, flowers, personal services, housewares, books, and greeting cards.
The challenge for SWFL retailers, however, is keeping a significant share of these Mother's Day dollars in local cash registers and out of the coffers of online sellers and department stores. Right now, according to the NRF, those two retail channels will gobble up almost 68% of all spending.
To earn a larger share of Mother's Day spending, local small business owners will need to advertise to convince Fort Myers consumers of the benefits of buying from local companies. By almost every marketing metric, the best way to advertise is on Fort Myers radio.
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radio advertising,
advertise to mothers,
return on investment,
mother's day,
retail sales,
retail store,
advertising reach,
reach & frequency,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
retail spending,
advertising return on investment,
advertising roi
Every week, according to Nielsen, Fort Myers radio reaches 877,056 adults. This is more consumers than use any other medium, including local TV, local cable, streaming video, social media, online audio, and newspapers.
Reach, though, is only one component used to calculate ratings. The other metric that contributes to the rating formula is the time spent using each medium. So, although for the past 10 years, AM/FM radio's reach has been significantly higher than the reach of local TV, consumers spent considerably more time watching TV. As a result of the math, TV has enjoyed higher ratings than radio.
For the first time, however, AM/FM radio ratings have exceeded local TV ratings by three percent among the key advertising demographic of 18-49-year-olds, according to Nielsen's Total Audience Data for the third quarter of 2023.
In the Fort Myers area, there are 380,049 18-49-year-olds, the majority of whom are millennials, a generation that now accounts for nearly one-third of all retail spending.
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best way to advertise,
radio advertising,
fort myers television,
fort myers tv,
television advertising,
millennial parents,
cable tv,
satellite tv,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
streaming video,
local television,
streaming TV,
streaming media,
am/fm radio
For Southwest Florida area consumers, the past twelve months have been, to say the least, frenzied. The year has been plagued with inflation, recession fears, coronavirus, mid-term elections, and geo-political drama. It seems, however, that these coinciding crises have not tempered consumer spending as local shoppers are on track to spend a record $19.2 billion at retail.
What has changed during 2022, however, is how adults in the Fort Myers area consume media and how local business owners are marketing their goods and services to these shoppers.
To research the changing consumer and media landscape in Fort Myers, many local business owners have found the articles posted at
www.AdvertiseInFort helpful. Below are the five most-read articles from that site during 2022:
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radio advertising,
advertise in Naples,
advertise in Fort Myers,
advertise in SWFL,
How to Advertise on Radio,
advertise in southwest florida,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
advertising options,
how to advertise,
internet advertising,
Southwest Florida area business owners have an abundance of options for marketing their goods and services to local consumers. New research from Nielsen, however, indicates that advertising on Fort Myers radio is still the best way to reach local shoppers.
Every week, according to Nielsen, Fort Myers radio reaches 877,056 adults. This is significantly more than are reached by social media, local TV stations and cable systems, newspapers, streaming video and audio, and podcasts.
In addition to listening to their favorite Fort Myers radio stations over the air, Nielsen reports that 223,251 adults also listen to local stations online every month.
As a matter of fact, according to a study conducted by Edison Research during the third quarter of 2022, among Adults 25-54, 17% of all time spent listening to local AM/FM stations occurs online. This share of online listening has nearly doubled since 2016.
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fort myers radio,
advertise in Fort Myers,
advertise in SWFL,
fort myers radio stations,
advertise in southwest florida,
return on investment,
advertising reach,
reach & frequency,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
advertising return on investment,
advertising roi
Southwest Florida business owners have depended on Fort Myers radio to market their goods and services since WFTM, the city's first radio station, went on air in 1939. Despite the advent of new media and technologies since then, advertising on local radio stations is still the best way for the area's 30,689 small business owners to create and maintain customers.
Here are five facts every business owner should know about advertising on Fort Myers radio in 2022.
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best way to advertise,
small business advertising,
fort myers radio,
small business owner,
fort myers radio stations,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
small business,
advertise on radio,
small business marketing,
radio listening,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
advertising on radio,
radio formats,
am/fm radio
To ensure success, every Southwest Florida business owner needs to advertise.
"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”
There are dozens of ways for local small business owners to advertise. By most metrics, the best way to advertise is on Fort Myers radio. These measures of effectiveness, however, are often obscured by the glimmer and glitz of newer technologies.
To help reduce the glare that often blinds business owners to the potency of advertising on Fort Myers radio, here are the top five things many local business owners get wrong.
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create an effective radio commercial,
radio advertising,
fort myers radio,
fort myers radio stations,
How to Advertise on Radio,
satellite radio,
radio commercials,
advertise on radio,
radio history,
radio listening,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
radio formats,
car radio,
who listens to radio
Each week, according to Nielsen, more than 894,000 adult consumers tune-in to a Fort Myers radio station. This is significantly more than watch local TV or cable. More than stream video channels like Netflix or Hulu. More than read local newspapers. More than use Facebook or Instagram. More than listen to online audio services like Pandora and Spotify.
But almost everyone knows (including many who advertise on Fort Myers radio) that consumers only listen to local radio stations during the day. Right? Wrong!
According to Nielsen, 41.6% of local consumers listen to Fort Myers radio stations each week between 7:00pm and 12:00am. This is a larger audience than Pandora, Spotify, and Instagram combined reach during an entire week.
For Southwest Florida small business owners, radio's immense nighttime audience offers a unique value proposition.
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prime time,
time of day,
small business advertising,
small business owner,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
effective advertising,
small business,
advertise on radio,
small business marketing,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
Southwest Florida business owners are expected to invest $265-million during 2021 to advertise to consumers connected to the internet. This forecast was produced by Borrell Associates, a company that tracks business advertising expenditures across the country.
These online marketing dollars will be spent on banner advertising, search engine marketing, email, as well as audio and video advertising. This is all to capture the attention of shoppers and buyers as they go about their connected days.
According to Nielsen, 96.3% of adult consumers in the Fort Myers-Naples area have access to the internet. They connect, primarily, with desktop and laptop computers; smartphones; or tablets.
Ninety-six percent of SWFL adults spend at least one hour per week online, with most spending at least 10 hours connected.
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small business advertising,
small business owner,
advertise in southwest florida,
swfl small business,
southwest florida small business,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
social media advertising,
small business,
facebook advertising,
social media,
small business marketing,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
online shopping
Since 1940, advertising on Fort Myers radio has helped small business owners survive and thrive during times of peril. This includes world wars, natural disasters, depressions, and recessions.
Even during a pandemic, by almost every key marketing metric, radio advertising remains the best way for a Southwest Florida business to market its goods and services.
To prove the point, here are five statistics that vividly demonstrate the value of advertising on Fort Myers radio.
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best way to advertise,
web traffic,
radio commercials,
return on investment,
in-car listening,
retail sales,
retail store,
website visitors,
in-car audio,
listening location,
Advertise on Fort Myers Radio,
online shopping