Before the onset of COVID-19, more than 138,000 Fort Myers-Naples area households were planning to spend $595 million on furniture, according to Nielsen. Unfortunately, many of those plans were put on pause as consumers sheltered in place to help slow the spread of the virus.
A recent study by Elevate | SmithGeiger suggests that the fortunes of home furnishing retailers, however, are about to improve.
According to the study, 32% of consumers who had been planning to buy furniture will do so within three months of the pandemic easing. Fifty percent will do so within six months. The numbers for mattress shoppers are even stronger.
To capture a significant share of the post-pandemic sales of furniture and mattress will require retailers to advertise. The most effective way to reach the customers who are ready to buy is on Fort Myers radio.
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small business advertising,
radio advertising,
small business owner,
small business,
retail sales,
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advertise on radio,
More than 95% of Southwest Florida households own at least one vehicle.
Pre-pandemic, 83% of workers spent, on average, 56 minutes every weekday in these cars commuting to-and-from their jobs.
On their way to work, many of these drivers would contribute to the Fort Myers area's $22.7 billion retail economy by visiting the convenience stores, coffeehouses, auto repair centers, gas stations, daycares, grocery stores, or hundreds of other businesses they passed.
At lunchtime, these same cars would take their owners to restaurants, dentist appointments, nail appointments, barbershops, and on an infinite number of other errands.
On the weekends, these vehicles filled the parking lots of hardware stores, furniture stores, car dealers, appliance stores, bowling alleys, movie theatres, and nightclubs,
Then on April 3, when the Governor of Florida shut down the state to slow the spread of COVID-19, traffic came to a standstill and so did the spending.
There are strong indications, though, that in the Fort Myers area, roads are filling up again.
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small business advertising,
radio advertising,
small business owner,
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in-car listening,
consumer spending,
small business,
retail sales,
retail store,
in-car audio,
vehicle traffic
To slow the spread of COVID-19, the Governor of Florida shut down all but the most essential businesses in the state on April 3. This public safety measure inflicted a severe disruption to the Fort Myers-Naples' $22.5 billion retail economy.
As local small business owners begin to reopen, each must concentrate on supercharging their cash flows to compensate for weeks of consumer abstinence. Turning the lights back on and hanging out a welcome sign might not be enough, though, to bring even the most loyal customers back.
Some customers may not return because of personal safety concerns. Other customers may have discovered alternative sources to purchase goods and services.
But, there is one thing every Southwest Florida small business owner can be assured of. Consumers will not return if they aren't aware that a business has reopened.
Advertising is a potent tactic for any Southwest Florida small business that needs to reintroduce itself to local consumers.
“Think you have a great product?” asks the U.S. Small Business Administration. “Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
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radio advertising,
small business owner,
small business,
retail sales,
retail store,
covid 19,
crisis marketing,
Southwest Florida consumers spent more than $22.7 billion with retailers last year. The National Retail Federation forecasts 4.1% more will be spent this year.
Who are the shoppers that will be spending all this money?
According to Nielsen, 56% of retail dollars are spent by SWFL consumers over the age of 50. This may surprise many small business owners because older consumers comprise only 48% of the area's adult population.
These older consumers account for the majority of spending in almost every retail category. This includes furniture, cars, pet supplies, fast food, and electronics.
To earn a share of these massive dollars spent by these older consumers requires Fort Myers-Naples small business owners to advertise.
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store traffic,
small business advertising,
radio advertising,
social media advertising,
newspaper advertising,
consumer spending,
baby boomers,
television advertising,
small business,
retail sales,
retail store,
Retailers in Southwest Florida rang-up $22,714,044,000 in retail sales last year, according to Nielsen. But wait. It's about to get better.
The National Retail Federation forecasts that in 2020, sales will increase by as much as 4.1%. This will create another $931 million for local small business owners.
“The economy is growing at a more modest pace, but the underlying economic fundamentals remain in place and are positive,” stated NRF chief economist Jack Kleinhenz. “Consumers remain upbeat and have the confidence to spend, and the steady wage growth that has come with the strong job market is fueling their spending. The state of the consumer is very healthy.
To claim a fair share of this enlarged pool of spending will require Fort Myers-Naples small business owners to advertise.
“Think you have a great product?” asks the U.S. Small Business Administration. “Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
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store traffic,
radio advertising,
small business owner,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
social media advertising,
newspaper advertising,
consumer spending,
television advertising,
small business,
retail sales
The first Baby Boomers were born in Southwest Florida during 1946, and they kept coming until 1964. Today, this generation represents 22.1% of the population.
According to Visa, however, when it comes to the ability to buy goods and services from local business owners, people 50 and older are responsible for 56% of all retail spending. In SWFL, that equates to $12.7 billion.
Forecasts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate the spending power of the Baby Boomer generation will remain dominant through at least 2025. This is fueled, in part, by the Boomers' continued participation in the labor force.
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best way to advertise,
store traffic,
radio advertising,
fort myers radio,
small business owner,
consumer spending,
baby boomers
Southwest Florida consumers are expected to spend $22.7 billion at retail this year, according to Nielsen. This means that every household, on average, will be spending $47,869.
To capture a larger share of these dollars, small business owners in the Fort Myers-Naples area need to know the answer to two questions.
The first question is, where is this enormous amount of cash being spent? The list below details the answer.
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best way to advertise,
store traffic,
fort myers radio,
small business owner,
consumer spending
Based on information from the National Retail Foundation, Southwest Florida consumers will be spending $34 million on Halloween this year.
Typically, 80% of all Halloween shopping, according to the NRF, will occur between now and October 16. The remaining dollars will be spent in the last 14 days leading up to the holiday.
Nearly 53% of consumers in the Fort Myers-Naples are expected to participate in Halloween this year, each spending, on average, about $86. This money will go towards the purchase of candy, decorations, costumes, pumpkins, and greeting cards.
Almost every type of small business in SWFL enjoys a taste of this spending. This includes hardware stores, convenience stores, craft stores, fabric stores, thrift stores, florists, card stores, consignment shops, haunted houses, home decor store, bakeries, and, of course, candy stores.
To claim a significant share of this Halloween cash will require local small business owners to advertise. The key to successful advertising is reaching as many Halloween shoppers as possible over the next four weeks.
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best way to advertise,
store traffic,
advertise in Fort Myers,
small business owner,
fort myers radio stations,
advertise in southwest florida,
southwest florida small business,
Business owners who sell mattresses in Southwest Florida might be losing sleep.
Last year, local consumers spent close to $40 million for new mattresses. A recent survey conducted by Piper Jaffray indicates that many retailers believe that the category will become even stronger during the last four months of this year.
The reason for the owners' sleep loss is that many customers are skipping local stores and buying their mattresses on the internet. According to Statista, 37% of mattress buyers are now purchasing from one-of-175 direct-to-consumer sites like Casper or from online retailers like Amazon.
To keep customers shopping local requires advertising.
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best way to advertise,
store traffic,
advertise in Fort Myers,
advertise in SWFL,
small business owner,
fort myers radio stations,
advertise in southwest florida,
swfl small business,
shop local,
buy local
Just about every adult in SWFL spent, on average, 15 hours last week listening to the radio. As a matter of fact, more people tuned-in to their favorite Fort Myers radio station than watched TV; read a newspaper, or logged-on to Pandora and Spotify.
"Sure," a Naples small business owner said to me. "People are still tuning-in to local radio stations, but do they switch stations when my commercial comes on?"
Not to worry. Unlike TV, which makes avoiding commercials a breeze, there is no ad-skipping technology for radio. As a result, a study by Nielsen reveals that 93% of radio listeners stick around for the ads.
This raises the question: Consumers are not button-pushing during radio commercials, but are they paying attention to the content of the advertising? Research says YES.
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top of mind,
best way to advertise,
car dealership,
store traffic,
small business advertising,