
Surprise? Fort Myers Radio Is Still #1 Way To Reach Local Consumers

Nov 30, 2022 4:09:48 PM / by Larry Julius

Southwest Florida area business owners have an abundance of options for marketing their goods and services to local consumers. New research from Nielsen, however, indicates that advertising on Fort Myers radio is still the best way to reach local shoppers.

Every week, according to Nielsen, Fort Myers radio reaches 877,056 adults. This is significantly more than are reached by social media, local TV stations and cable systems, newspapers, streaming video and audio, and podcasts.

In addition to listening to their favorite Fort Myers radio stations over the air, Nielsen reports that 223,251 adults also listen to local stations online every month.

As a matter of fact, according to a study conducted by Edison Research during the third quarter of 2022, among Adults 25-54, 17% of all time spent listening to local AM/FM stations occurs online. This share of online listening has nearly doubled since 2016.

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Advertising On Fort Myers Radio in 2022: Five Things to Know

Jul 20, 2022 1:30:47 PM / by Larry Julius

Southwest Florida business owners have depended on Fort Myers radio to market their goods and services since WFTM, the city's first radio station, went on air in 1939. Despite the advent of new media and technologies since then, advertising on local radio stations is still the best way for the area's 30,689 small business owners to create and maintain customers.

Here are five facts every business owner should know about advertising on Fort Myers radio in 2022.

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Topics best way to advertise, small business advertising, fort myers radio, small business owner, fort myers radio stations, swfl small business, southwest florida small business, small business, advertise on radio, small business marketing, radio listening, Advertise on Fort Myers Radio, advertising on radio, radio formats, am/fm radio

Advertise On Fort Myers Radio? 5 Things Business Owners Get Wrong

Dec 31, 2021 8:39:58 AM / by Larry Julius

To ensure success, every Southwest Florida business owner needs to advertise.

"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”

The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”

There are dozens of ways for local small business owners to advertise. By most metrics, the best way to advertise is on Fort Myers radio. These measures of effectiveness, however, are often obscured by the glimmer and glitz of newer technologies. 

To help reduce the glare that often blinds business owners to the potency of advertising on Fort Myers radio, here are the top five things many local business owners get wrong.

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Topics create an effective radio commercial, radio advertising, fort myers radio, fort myers radio stations, How to Advertise on Radio, satellite radio, radio commercials, advertise on radio, radio history, radio listening, Advertise on Fort Myers Radio, radio formats, car radio, who listens to radio

The SHEconomy: Is Your SWFL Small Business Getting A Share?

Oct 4, 2019 1:58:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Last week, according to Nielsen, 179,642 single, adult women tuned-in to a Fort Myers radio station.  This is 89% of every consumer who fits this description.

Why should Southwest Florida small business owners take note of this demographic? A study by investment bank Morgan Stanley finds 41% of working-age women are single. That number is expected to increase to 45% over the next ten years.

The study, called 'Growth of the SHEconomy', indicates that single women outspend the average household in many retail categories. Remarkably, says, Erica Sweeney of MarketingDive, "Women purchase more than half of products traditionally considered 'male' including autos, home improvement products, and consumer electronics."

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The Top Reason Advertising On Fort Myers Radio Might Not Work

Oct 2, 2019 7:24:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Every once in a while, radio advertising fails.

There can be no debate, though, when implemented correctly, advertising on Fort Myers radio works, and works well.

Aaron Walker is the owner of Naples Nissan. "Last year," he says, "we had the biggest sales year in the history of the store. Advertising on Fort Myers radio was a key driver of our success."

Naples Nissan had been a fixture in Southwest Florida for many years before Mr. Walker took over four years ago. "The previous owner," he explains, "had been selling, on average, 110 new and used vehicles a month. Because of the way we consistently market our dealership on the radio, we now sell 300 cars per month."

Mr. Walker knows that his radio ads are effective. "If we are ever off the air for a few days, my sales managers notice a significant dip in customer traffic."

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SWFL Retail: Small Business Owners Can Scare-Up Halloween Sales

Sep 23, 2019 8:04:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Based on information from the National Retail Foundation, Southwest Florida  consumers will be spending $34 million on Halloween this year. 

Typically, 80% of all Halloween shopping, according to the NRF, will occur between now and October 16.  The remaining dollars will be spent in the last 14 days leading up to the holiday.

Nearly 53% of consumers in the Fort Myers-Naples are expected to participate in Halloween this year, each spending, on average, about $86.  This money will go towards the purchase of candy, decorations, costumes, pumpkins, and greeting cards.

Almost every type of small business in SWFL enjoys a taste of this spending. This includes hardware stores, convenience stores, craft stores, fabric stores, thrift stores, florists, card stores, consignment shops, haunted houses, home decor store, bakeries, and, of course, candy stores.

To claim a significant share of this Halloween cash will require local small business owners to advertise.  The key to successful advertising is reaching as many Halloween shoppers as possible over the next four weeks.

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Shop Local: How SWFL Retailers Are Driving Store Traffic

Sep 18, 2019 5:32:24 PM / by Larry Julius

Business owners who sell mattresses in Southwest Florida might be losing sleep.

Last year, local consumers spent close to $40 million for new mattresses.  A recent survey conducted by Piper Jaffray indicates that many retailers believe  that the category will become even stronger during the last four months of this year.

The reason for the owners' sleep loss is that many customers are skipping local stores and buying their mattresses on the internet. According to Statista, 37% of mattress buyers are now purchasing from one-of-175 direct-to-consumer sites like Casper or from online retailers like Amazon. 

To keep customers shopping local requires advertising.

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Fort Myers Radio Thrives In The Digital Age

Sep 4, 2019 8:04:00 AM / by Ryan Beasley

Technology is changing the way people in Southwest Florida consume media. This includes streaming audio platforms like Pandora and Spotify or the ability to watch Netflix on a smartphone.

But one thing has not changed.  That thing with the buttons and knobs that's been part of a car's dashboard since 1930. The contraption called radio.

Some small business owners believe the medium is outdated, and nobody listens to it anymore. But, contrary to that view, radio still reaches 92% of all consumers in America.

In SWFL, for example, last week significantly more consumers tuned-in to their favorite Fort Myers radio stations than watched local TV; read a newspaper; logged-on to Facebook, or signed-in to Pandora or Spotify.

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Best Way To Reach Likely Voters In Southwest Florida

Aug 29, 2019 7:09:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Every vote counts.  Many times the difference between winning an election and losing is a handful of ballots. This is true in races for almost every elected office, referendum, and issue on the national, statewide, and local level.

To win a modern election requires advertising. Successful advertising requires reach. In Southwest Florida, the most potent way to reach voters is on local radio.

Last week, for instance, 92% of all registered voters in Lee and Colliers County tuned-in to a Fort Myers radio station.  This is significantly more than were reached by local TV, local newspaper, or the major social media site like Facebook and Instagram.

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Bridal & Wedding Marketing In SWFL: How To Engage The Lucky Couple

Aug 27, 2019 8:04:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Next year, according to Nielsen, 52,438 people in Southwest Florida will be getting married.  Assuming that those folks are hitching-up with each other, that means there will be 26,192 weddings. 

CostOfWedding.com reports that the average cost for these pending nuptials will be $27,209 including (but not limited to) rings, dresses, tuxedos, flowers, venues, photographers, invitations, limos, and rice (or birdseed for the ecologically inclined).

This means small business owners in the Fort Myers-Naples area who cater to the bridal market will be competing for a share of $712 million.

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